Today, Apple begun selling third-party Apple Watch accessories in their retail stores. The first accessory is from a company called ElevationLab who is selling NightStand for Apple Watch.
For just $29.95, you can get a stand for your Watch in either pink, blue, green, black, or white. Before, ElevationLab only offered their night stand in blue, black, and red, but it appears that they've partnered with Apple to offer their night stand in the same colors available for the Watch Sport band.
For just $29.95, you can get a stand for your Watch in either pink, blue, green, black, or white. Before, ElevationLab only offered their night stand in blue, black, and red, but it appears that they've partnered with Apple to offer their night stand in the same colors available for the Watch Sport band.
With the addition of third-party night stands in Apple's retail stores, it looks like the Cupertino giant is gearing up for the launch of watchOS 2 which will include Nightstand Mode, which will allow you to check the time and use your Watch as an alarm clock (see right).
A source says that this is the only third-party accessory available so far for Apple's wearable, but additional accessories might begin to appear sometime in September.
ElevationLab's NightStand for Apple Watch isn't available for purchase on Apple's website and is currently only available at Apple retail stores and
Stay with MBEDDED for all the latest news in Apple Watch by following us on Twitter, Google+, and by subscribing to our newsletter, located on our Home page.
A source says that this is the only third-party accessory available so far for Apple's wearable, but additional accessories might begin to appear sometime in September.
ElevationLab's NightStand for Apple Watch isn't available for purchase on Apple's website and is currently only available at Apple retail stores and
Stay with MBEDDED for all the latest news in Apple Watch by following us on Twitter, Google+, and by subscribing to our newsletter, located on our Home page.